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2 sertin peepil mastir Bascule thi big bird sez stairin @ me & rokin from side 2 side & sorta stampin itz feet on thi perch. A moast persistent pest. Thang u very mutch I sez. That woz not a complimint! thi bird screetchiz flapin. I sit bak blinkin (my Is r stil a bit soar aftir ol that wind roarin past me when I fel). Whot do u meen? I ask. Itz qwite possibil that we 1/2 givin away our noo posishin heer by turnin on thi lift fans so we cude save yoor miserabil hide! thi bird shouts. Wel sory Im shure but I woz toald u mite 1/2 sum informayshin about thi whareabouts ov a frend ov mine. What? thi hed bird sez soundin puzzld. Who? Itz a ant. Hir name is Ergates. Thi bird starez @ me. Yoor lookin 4 a ant? he sqwaks & sounz increduliss. A ver speshil ant. (I naro my Is. ) Whot woz taikin by a lammergeier. Thi bird shaiks itz hed. Wel it woznt dun by 1 ov us it sez shakin its fevirs. O yeh? I sez. We r chimerix mastir Bascule. This..
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